I wanted you to know that the filing period for office ended at noon on Monday and I’m unopposed going into the November election. I’m so thankful for all of the supporters who made this possible!
The campaign is far from over. Work still needs to be done to ensure a good turnout in November and there is always the possibility of petition or write-in candidates. I’m going to continue reaching out to voters and listening to their concerns.
I ask for your continued support and prayers as the reelection campaign moves forward.
The General Assembly remains out of session until it’s safe to meet again.
The state's focus has turned from the budget, education reform, debt-ridden Santee Cooper and many other important issues to managing the spread and impact of a highly contagious virus. President Trump, Governor McMaster and their respective teams are working around the clock to respond to the nation's healthcare needs and to map out a plan to get us back to our jobs, schools, friends and families.
The reality is that this situation is fluid and requires creativity, ingenuity, and an "all hands-on deck" approach that I have seen firsthand throughout this pandemic.
I encourage you to visit this page on my website devoted to information on the COVID-19 response efforts: www.hewittforhouse.com/covid_19_resources
Let’s thank the doctors and nurses on the front lines and practice social distancing by staying at home to limit the spread of this virus. Together, we will win this battle.
I will continue to monitor this situation closely and will keep you informed as developments arise. If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Rep. Lee Hewitt